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However, after a while, this emotional connection will become threadbare revealing the toxic qualities that have been driving it the entire time. I had no idea it was even possible to feel the way I feel about him from a synastry aspect. He shows a lot of respect so do I It calls us to analyze our decision-making, relationships, and perception. Funny the difference between geocentric and draconic with the same aspect. I have never been so obsessed with someone in my life or felt so crazily and completely irrationally attracted. The fear of losing each other is strong with this placement. Washington, DC United States 10/13/1981 05:14 Julian day 2444890.88 Do you think you and your guy have telepathic thinking as well? okay phew! But how do I know whos the moon and whos the pluto? I feel he may be a sociopath. Wide aspects really (orb. In Astrology, the Moon represents our inner needs and emotions, while Pluto represents intensity, intimacy, obsession and possession. He passed my way, made sure I saw him, I was so nerveous I couldnt say HI! The squares are different than the trines. Ha! Welcome Isis! Angles touching angles gives intimacy. You better be careful. You will bring your intellect to help with his life purposes and goals, Mary. Moon oppose Neptune would have to watch out for seeing each other through rose colored glasses, my Friend. I am the moon. He is married but up to this day, is obsessed with me ; asking questions such as if am married, if I still love him, he keeps prying into my life. Well turn and look at each other at the same time, sensing that longing. which aspect wins.though? So trine. Mars Conjunction Saturn 458 67 My venus conjunction to your Uranus Espero ansiosamente respuestas! Below is his synastry chart : I just found out, that we have also very intense composit chart. Do you think this would be memorable or have some kind of impact on any of us? [_wpnonce] => Check out theLove Relationship Compatibility Reportfor more insight! I kinda feel like this could be a Rose and Jack titanic esque relationship lol, Do you think so? The partners may feel like they are soulmates. My Pluto trine his Ascendant Mars Leaving Gemini For Cancer 2023 Harder Core Than You Think! I have Sun in Scorpio 1755, he has Sun in Pisces 1725. Different cultures,backrounds,race.If that wasnt enough we also live on different continents.He lives in the canada and i live in sydney. I just want to cook for him and feed him and make a fuss over him. You tend to act without thinking and lash out as a defense mechanism. I can feel her as I know she feels me. You must truly be soulmates, knowing and adoring each other so deeply<3 <3 <3, Yes, it is pure bliss together. Very SAME thing happened to me during the new moon in virgo! But with the couple's devotion and commitment to each other, there is nothing these people cannot solve. Secondly, everyone discusses Pluto on lover relationships. Felt him so strongly and started to miss him again. Jupiter trine Venus 1.53 Mr. Leo was born six weeks or so after me, so yeah, we've got this one. He however did not take advantage of me because I was intoxicated. He does evoke very emotional responses in me especially about jealousy, which has been a terrible cornerstone in our relationship. My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. Moon is the celestial body that correlates to our deepest emotions. It is Healthcliff screaming for Kathy, as he runs through the moors. The main moon aspects are listed above, particularly the Pluto/Moon trines we have both ways. My Uranus conj. Let me ask some questions. Both of those times, I had a very powerful and almost overwhelming sensation of him before I ran into him or found out he was there the same time at me. , Can I ask? Its so unlike me as a Taurus sun, and him being a Cap. If you find yourself feeling compulsive about a certain issue, the activation of your Pluto by the moon will facilitate penetrating under the . Neptune sextile Jupiter 2.08 I am sun and moon taurus. I have my Pluto tribe his moon, mercury and Neptune. Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want. An intense connection and deep friendship that felt like two soulmates. This relationship is very challenging, and it seems like there isn't light along the dark tunnel. But.I feel the heat! Ugh! Which is heightened with our Neptune-Mercury double whammy aspects. Well, I suppose it is beautiful and torture lol. Our Plutos are both trine to each others Moons You have great strength in handling difficult situations. The previous post *is* there! The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. The chart would show why this is happening. Betrayal, vindictive, mind games and him trying to put an injunction on me for stalking which it was after court that I found out he was the one stalking me for months and continued after court He even had gf who he started dating after two weeks of our break up. My Moon opposites his Pluto And I cant just not answer. Its very common for people who have had a Moon Square Pluto synastry relationship to comment that this is the best sex theyve ever experienced. What is going on with us!? In fact, the Pluto person may consciously or unconsciously desire to hurt the Moon person. He too has moon conjunct pluto in libra natally. Chiron trine Saturn 0.32 Mercury Sextile Sun 018 222 The girl I have recently spoken with was pluto and she could attest to the obsession on her part. List the aspects and degrees, please. Orbs are key . However because of our moon/neptune conjunction things never really got off the ground properly, which you are also right about (the moon/neptune conjunction issue)! Do you think each ot us try and hide our intensity for each other? If he thinks Im drifting, hell set something up for us to meet. I believe we both were obsessive, and it's possible that maybe he was hiding it better, but he took ghosted me for a bit and then came back again. Cancer Moon and Cancer rising. You can come and post any charts in my Personal Readings section and ask questions, What would these aspects in synastry mean? Tambien tenemos los siguientes aspectos: Why dont you come and put your chart in my Forum, E. Me gusta Espanol. And I do want to tell him how I feel about him, but somehow I am still afraid I will lose him if I do. My mind tells me to forget about it and move on and I really try. But you also will find yourself becoming uncomfortable with various deeply ingrained habits and attitudes of each other as you learn more about each other. Adjust 5.00 ST 8.24 Lat 32.45 Long 88.01 More often than not, this leads to intense heartache. When I was leaving the place, I had a terrible feeling.Something was telling me, Dont go. But its like it scares the hell out of him. Ami, you described exactly how I feel for my beloved. In general, the Moon conjunct Pluto is filled with deep bonding, intense emotions, being overwhelmed, emotional pain and strong sexual chemistry. I didnt confront him but I cant figure out lies like this that defy reason?? Because Moon people are sensitive, they are also emphatic. It shows what kind of conflicts would arise and how to solve them best. But our conversations always turn to someone this person knows whos died, or some deep trauma theyve been through, or questions abt. Pluto Conjunction Saturn 246 68 My Venus also conjuncts his moon in Scorpio. Pluto is famous for its X-ray vision in astrology. Feelings are intense. Yes, it is powerful but I would have to study the full chart to give a really informed answer, Mina dear! The attraction is somewhat instinctive in its nature. What about squares? Yes, you are so right! If these two break up, it will be very difficult to continue on as friends. I hate when that happens! This Pluto partner can bring out intense emotions from the Moon. Well, you are both very, very intense. The partners may feel like they are soulmates. Copyright 2019 - 2022 YourHigherJourney Part Of SoftwareBox Solutions Ltd. Reg No: 12205095, Pluto In Synastry Sex And Transformation, Mars Square Mars Synastry: Tension and Transformation, Moon in the 8th House An Emotional & Intense Journey, Scorpio Ascendant Woman - A Complete Personality Profile, Sagittarius Moon Man A Complete Personality Profile, Pluto in Libra: Finding Balance and Harmony, Gemini Sun Pisces Moon - The Social Butterfly, Pisces Sun Leo Moon - The Eccentric Leader, Pisces Sun Cancer Moon: A Deeply Divine Combination, Libra Sun Gemini Moon: Building Connections and Being Charming, Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon: The Rebel, The Fool, The Inspired, Angel Number 6161: A Sign of Compassion for Self & Others, Angel Number 8003: A Bright Future Awaits You, Angel Number 824: You Are On The Right Path. His sun, mercury and mars are all conjunct my Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. what about when both have the aspect? *Moon conjuncts moon (cancer/cancer). What does Uranus conjunct Dejanira (2) conj Nessus (approx. Oh my goodness!! The high position of the Pluto individual is going to put them in a position of control. But I got rid of it by telling myself/my mind/my soul/other entities loud and clear that I no longer wish to dream about them, no longer wish to think of them, no longer wish to have any kind of bond with them ever again. Her pluto in scorpio strongly trines my moon in capricorn. Well meet in a few weeks. Click here to read Venus-Uranus in Syanstry. Pluto conjunct Jupiter I don't know what it's like from his side, but I can say 100% that this is someone who I could give my honest soul to. No tengo idea como entrar en tu foro,me enseas por favor?..y si no serias tan amable que sea a travs de este medio o a mi direccin de correo me explicases un poco mas sobre esta relacin con los datos de la sinastria que te envi! If you want to post your chart in my personal Readings Forum with this question, I could answer better. Moon conjunct Pluto synastry is dynamic and largely determined by the sensual side of the relationship. Oh well, on some level I expected that and am not surprised and its probably for the best. -His moon trine my Uranus 2.07 orb We had tons of explosive arguments. I am going through Pluto Trine Moon 3 (I am the Moon) and Pluto sextile Venus 0 (I am the Pluto here) Its so strange, strong and crazy, that I even start to belive in Astrology. Sometimes the square can indicate sexual incompatibility, but depending on other aspects in the synastry . I saw him somewhere for a few minutes, he asked wher we are from. The intense bond created by a Moon Square Pluto synastry is often more than enough to trip all of the brains internal reward centers. Requests: Array Is there a way to understand and communicate this? My Neptune sextile his Mercury (exact). this is going to be epic lol. Ive actually never seen better synastry with anyone else Ive known or dated! Describes the relationship with my Cap ex accurately. Could be. which aspect will characterize the relationship? Hello and thank you so much for replying, it really means everything to me. My boyfriends Pluto (Scorpio) is trine my Moon (Cancer). My Midheaven square his Moon. This is about someone Ill be working with soon, and whom I feel extremely attracted to. his Venus I am sorry about your losing your post, LP. Midheaven trine Vertex 1.92, Hes driving me insane and I think im driving him insane as well . There exists an intense, passionate bond between the two of you. Feel like I have been waiting for him all my life, Thank you so much for your kind words, Isis. I leave feeling exhausted, dark inside, vulnerable. In mind, heart and soul forever. Aldebaran conj. Pluto-Moon Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square) Both the Moon and Pluto represent shadows and depths of a personality. Here: I cannot get him out of my psyche and do not know what to do! The problem is that I really dont know. His jupiter conjunct my ascendant 3.21 I just know that it will be a matter of time before it starts up again. It is really irresistible, idk if its the moon-pluto dw or the lilith-sun dw though lol. Mi pluton cuadratura a su venus It is even associated with manipulations. We also have a double whammy my Moon in Aquarius trine his Pluto in Libra. On the day the transiting moon conjuncts your natal Pluto, you may have your emotions deeply stirred by an intense encounter that brings deep rooted issues to the surface. I CAN absolutely agree with what the girl you spoke with said, and maybe this is the Pluto I dont know. He keeps telling me that he craves me, loves me, and gets horny for me emotionally, and I feel the same. would a moon square pluto, Ever. He is an out of the box person and he brings this part of himself to you, Mary. I was the Moon person, and for a while, I was completely obsessed with the Pluto person. This season signals the start of an imbalance. Like the Moon that rotates the Earth, people ruled by it also change positions quickly. ^I really would like to hear your opinion on this (I am a capricorn stellium person ??). His flaws make me want to care for and protect him all the more, in fact. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I meant a professional chart. There was no reason at all for him to have been where I was in such a specific place so far from himand yet we were both there. And the others youve spoken to with this placementdo you know if they are the Moon or the Pluto? What in this world ( or another) is happening to me? There is attraction. P. of Fortune square Rising 0.34 I dont do draconic so will answer about the natal. My Mars trine his Saturn I think its some pretty intense stuff,, thankfully we are grown. I dont think you can alleviate these kind of energies, my Friend. This is my first time doing this and Im curious know if we good for long term in a relationship. Or does it say more about one person than the other? He always says that it feels like he is melting inside of me, like a part of him just wants to die with me. Moon/Pluto seems like one to a lifetime, my dear Friend xx. Both of them wants to get to know each other to the core. I can tell my atraction is enormous and feel obsessed about him though. Four months later, one huge letter and box with promised gifts sentshe returned. I also wanted to tell you that I find your website so helpful . This is a classic aspect of overwhelming sexual passion between two people, which can be very enticing in the beginning of a relationship. HELP! Ive yet to find what the Pluto effect is on children. His moon sextile both of my Pluto and Venus. I am not saying it will but watch out for that potential when you fight. With Fixed Stars, i think we allow a 2 degree orb, maybe 3 tops.It would be conj Saturn for you. Yes, Chiron was there to some extent and also Neptune. When your moon touches a persons Pluto, you join a club of a few. Partner's Pluto Conjunct/Square/Opposite Your Mars. Welcome Besc. A few squares make for passion and tension, so I would not think badly of this! Besides this, my Venus conjunct his Vertex in the 7th house, ans my Mars conjunct his NN in the 5th house. Does this fit? And later I am like oh come on, this was nothing, he will be like i dont even care. Hi LP! My her venus square Pluto I just got home. What would these aspects mean?Sun conjunct moon,moon conjunct venus,sun conjunct venus,moon opposite pluto ,pluto semisquare moon. A Venus square Saturn aspect. Moon-Neptune in Synastry - Astrology Anonymous. -my moon opposite his mars 1.53 orb xx. I am a woman and I just posted a long text on how my male friend (and former housemate) and I have double-whammy Pluto trine Moon in synastry, among other important things, such as Sun/Moon conjunction, his Sun, my Moon, in Pisces. I would love to send of picture of myself, Im quite voluptuous and very shapely with radiant skin and exceedingly impressive eyes. Being innate caring creatures, they deeply get hurt when you let them down. I eventually ended the relationship, and I still get angry when I think about him! We try to meet as much as we can and stay in touch .We talk everyday.I am not a beliver in long distance eventhough we do have a connection, What do these aspects in a composite chart mean? We also get so nervous with each otherbecome so vulnerable. I feel like it would be easier to really figure out if I know others experiences, too! Since the Moon person is an emotional one and their Pluto is a chaotic one, expect that there will be extreme emotions high up in the air. It is like there is some invisible thread between us. When the Moon in one chart forms an aspect to another person's Pluto. Even if youre an open book, the Moon represents those hidden currents that are moving underneath the surface. Is Pluto trine Moon the same as Moon trine Pluto? It does not seem like it should from what you say. This is exactly what I needed to read. We never really get over our Moon/Pluto person xx. Thats also why I found a new interest in astrology as it certainly provided me with answers in the past. I think ones soul has to be deeply connected to anothers to be able to feel them on such a profound level, such that they end up in the same place. For a while I was wondering if that conjunct Moon guy was perhaps my soulmate and why would God want to punish me this bad to give me such a jerk for a soulmate, but now that I saw everyone with Moon conjunct Pluto has vivid dreams I realized he is not my soulmate, this is just what Moon conjunct Pluto is like. Another friend and I also have a Geocentric moon/pluto conjunction, and although I do feel a definite crush on him it also feels rather insignificant to me as it did with Mike. That synastry is lovely! My Pluto quincunx his Sun Mine in virgo conjunct his virgo descendant and his rising in pisces in my 7th house. Thank you:).Glad to know he feels it this a rare aspect in synastry or is it pretty common?because I dont think I can ever feel the same or be obsessive about more than one person this wayits a crazy obsession,I sleep thinking of him,dream about him,wake up thinking about himI feel like this obsession will be my undoing.neither of us has confessed about being in love.Who is the initiator in this case? , You're absolutely right it feels like HOME! Pluto opp MC but his moon is trine my pluto! (Which says a lot, as he is a Scorpio and very private.) My Pluto quincunx his Sun Help! His node sextile my mercury 0.48. I think its amazing you have talked to others who have ALSO gone time without any contact, just musing far too deeply (obsessing, yes) over each other. Our Plutos are conjunct ( Virgo) Most important to me is that you find Jesus. Since astrologers interpret square as a negative aspect in astrology, the partners might not enjoy this ride. Moon? but I agree with your description, too. Sun quincunx Neptune 5.27 Thanks so much. Idkmy synastry with my partner in regards to Pluto is: His Moon is opposite my Pluto Pisces sun Such a Plutonian confrontation. Its tough for me to figure out which planet is causing me to feel this so strongly, as its a double-whammy. lmao. Im convinced he was crying at that time. Synastry is concerned with two different people connecting. Mercury quincunx Uranus 3.49 Never had anyone who could really read me that well or who I could read so well in return. Pluto, sometimes, is the mastermind of chaos. This is your internal emotional world that few people in your life will ever gain access to. does he have the upper hand because his pluto aspects me twice? What does my Pluto opposite his Moon connote? Sounds really lovely. You will be the more powerful one here. I cant focus, forget to eat, cant sleep. Double whammy Mars moon and he already talks about marriage and kids. The Moon individual in this synastry can often lose themselves in this change which leads these relationships to continue much longer than they should. I have my Pluto conjunct this guys moon in Scorpio and his Pluto conjuncts my moon in Libra! She said she felt the intense longing but would hardly look at him or contact him ever. No way of avoiding it though so off I go, Your post made me laugh. Very quickly we became like bestfriends and messaged every day. But their are other aspects that worries me. Ascendant Square Venus 137 -117. It is very hard, if not impossible, to fight. He feels so familiar but mysterious to me. You and he will have a very intense relationship. Taurus venus A lot of longing, this kinda love is.Can I put my synastry up. Jupiter trine Sun 2.39 It said it that its karmic too. But, who feels it more, yearns for it, needs it forever? Charles Moon Opposition Uranus 221 -68 ^^. There will arise a lot of out-of-the-blue dramas which all stemmed from the past. Sun conjunct Rising 4.49 Aries Saturn, My planets: Mi sol cuadratura a su venus We know each other for 2 2,5 years. Moon Conjunct Pluto - Meaning This aspect in synastry is about the revelation of emotional and overly sensitive people. Ascendant Conjunction Mercury 011 175. His Pluto squares my moon, opposes my venus, trines my sun. Moon/Pluto in Synastry Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths Phone Reading Moon/Pluto in Synastry The Sugarbabes tell it as it is. WE call it a Double Whammy lol, You mean it would be no possible to resist such combination even if you try hard?? When you line up to charts to check Pluto aspects, know that is someone has their moon near someone else's Pluto, sun, ascendant or Venus, the one with Pluto holds the power. I have natal moon trine pluto also (1.31 orb). The moon is besotted with the primal, passionate strength of the Pluto. Pluto sextile venus would be an obsession, too. That is sad. I have Moon in Capricorn 2321. Im so lost, I want to be with him but he doesnt, he has the stronger Pluto, with Pluto in Scorpio, my Pluto is in Sag.