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And I'm like totally relaxed in bed. Like, particularly if I wasn't exercising like like almost pre diabetic level fasting blood glucose, like when this is this is when my sleep was being disrupted, when like my son was like younger. I don't know what what the cases. Yeah. And it's not just a vitamin, right. Yeah. Yeah, it's not worth it. Llamas could be the key to fighting new coronaviruses research says the larger. OK, well, they're using they're using that sonna that I was telling you the same thing. Health and safety is on the top of everyone's mind right now. I just I would just be sitting here. Those people have anywhere between like 70 to 80 microbial micro moles of vitamin C per liter. And then they measured in multiple years as they became children and the mothers chewing it, chewing the gum. And I go, do you just have to stop and think, OK, even if just one percent of all of my people that go from Instagram, like if you're reading the Instagram comments, one percent are assholes, just one, which is probably really conservative. So what's indicative of their suffering from this vitamin D deficiency. They really are when it comes to things like that. RELATED: Joe Rogans Morning Kale Shake Recipe. So let me tell you my story anyways. I measure I track my sleep as well. Right. I just. What's the other one? You really need to find someone who's willing to go. So, you know, that's that's definitely a promising area for sure. And thank you to Trager Grillz, my favorite way to cook. Have you done those ice? Joe Rogan and Rhonda Patrick cover a wide range of topics from pros . So why do you take five. I mean, a lot of data that needs to pass out, a lot of data that needs to be generated. When the importance of vitamin D is considered in regards to the health of the human body, it becomes essential for good overall health. Oh, positive. Kevin Rose tells me I can take my Apple Watch and the hot frickin and do it right. Oh, can I, can I exploit rock pools. And there are people with different variations in genes that are related to vitamin D metabolism where they have lower levels and they need a higher dose. If anyone can do that study, amazing. Like, you know, I mean, for you personally, for just for health benefits. So I thought that was, you know, interesting. I, I wanted to do it before I even talked about it for months. And and I was like. It's the only bourbon with balls, it's literally on the label, Buffalo Trace is made from corn, rye and barley, and it matures twice as long as most bourbon, the buffalo trace bourbon ages in new oak barrels for around eight years for the robust yet balanced tastes. But a little it's a little stronger data in the in Indonesia, patients that died 90 of almost 100 percent, it was like ninety eight point something. You got to give people the option to go to work. But what's interesting is when you get above the pop up newsletter at my newsletter is great. I got a swimsuit on and then, OK, the yoga was bad. Her multivitamin alone contains 2,0010IU of vitamin D. In the past, she has stated the vitamin D brand she uses is Thorne D3 which offers 5,000iu and 1,000iu capsules. Again, I can't say enough good things about them. So like if we go travel or go to my in-laws or something, they have the lights on. It works. You know, good electrolyte I guess with the sodium. Yeah, I was doing. Her podcasts and other videos can be found at I choke on sometimes. No, no. Yeah. Rate your immune system and strengthen it is important. So they're not as healthy, they're not as physically active and not whatever, even though those confounding factors are usually corrected for it's old. Hibernation/no motivation to do anything is maybe the most common symptom of depression. And basically in in Asia, in China, the the predominant form is the aspartame, the original quote unquote form. They're all your weight is decompressing the spine. I was like, yeah, I you know, you can't tell people they can't wear clothes. You know, it's important. And so the type of antibodies were identified. I was trying to figure that out. I have one out outside. I'll have one sent to you. But if you give mice vitamin D before that happens, the two receptor increases and it protects them from the lung injury. So three grams, three grams. But then as you drop it down, it swings low and it actively decompresses all of your discs. And I think vitamin D is going to potentially play a role there. And I think it's vitamin D. I think that, you know, so, you know, the vitamin D, like it hasn't looked vitamin E. I'm not saying that vitamin D is going to prevent you from getting covid-19 or it's a treatment, although I am involved in a clinical study where we're going to be testing a very small open arm study we can talk about. You know, so like the EU receptor, the EU is part of the renin angiotensin system. But what's really interesting is that, you know, the the very receptor that this sars-cov-2 virus binds to to gain entry into the cell, it's called E to that very receptor plays a really important role in preventing lung damage and and basically and preventing acute lung injury, preventing acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS. And so you want to give them a higher dose, you know, and and for, you know, doing doing fifty thousand I use weekly isn't, you know, something that's necessarily going to be toxic or anything like that. I'll give you some. Look, I have conversations with good friends all the time and even on the podcast where I disagree with them. I like 180 Fahrenheit for sure. I don't know what I don't know what it is and I'm calling my sciatica most of the time. Two hundred milligrams. I don't stop at all. The reason why it's so special is forget about this for a second. Yeah, there's been sampling where you like you go to like Walgreens or CVS. Her podcasts and other videos can be found at I'm not sure I when the whole thing started, when the lockdown started, I was getting the sauna really hot. I feel for people that are in that state where they realize that they're not they're not happy, they're not happy with their own performance and aren't happy with their life. But but I know I'm sorry to interrupt you, but do you believe it's important to take it orally as well as I.V.? Yeah, I take it hoping it it was. I think that that seems like a good compromise. She's like, fuck off staying awake. After hot yoga. And that's like the maximum level you can get from oral supplementation, 220 milligrams. But also maybe that is not feeling well because vitamin D deficiency plays a factor in that as well. I have that outside as well. Podcast Notes is a Signal From the Noise LLC Production, All Right Reserved, Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting, Christopher Lockhead's Follow Your Different, Everyday Espionage Podcast with Andrew Bustamante, Feel Better, Live More With Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, Moonshots and Mindsets with Peter Diamandis, Network State Podcast with Balaji Srinivasan, Spearhead with Naval Ravikant and Babak Nivi, The Unraveling Podcast with Jocko Willink and Darryl Cooper, This Week in Startups with Jason Calacanis, Where It Happens with Sahil Bloom and Greg Isenberg, Sauna: if you have access use the sauna regularly to improve cardiovascular health and immune functions take a hot bath if you dont have access, Theres a big difference between oral vitamin C and Intravenous vitamin C, You can take vitamin C orally but will need a big dose and it still wont have the same effect; IV once per week if you can, Sleep plays a crucial role in immunity, homeostasis, and regulation of body functions, People are actively working on monoclonal antibodies, Improved therapeutic treatments coming, including more repurposing of drugs that will make things less scary, As you get older your immune system declines, There are lifestyle components of immune system you can be proactive about: exercise, sleep, supplements, nutrition, gut-microbiome health, Besides age, the major regulator of immune function seems to be previous virus exposure, not genetics, At any given point you have antibodies against 10 different viruses but youre not always getting sick, 50-80% of US population has had CMV and most people dont ever know they have had it and show no symptoms, CMV impacts immune function differently depending on when you get it, When youre young, it enhances immune response but for older people its deleterious, Interesting tie-in to COVID-19 because we know older people are more prone to severity, Its likely that theres some cross-immunity happening since SARS-COV-2 viruses is part of beta coronaviruses along with SARS-CoV-1 and MRSA, 15-30% of common colds come from coronaviruses so theres a good hypothesis that potentially one or two of common cold virus antibodies could interact with SARS-CoV-2 and neutralize it, Antibody binds to virus and instead of neutralizing it, changes the configuration so the virus can get into the cell better, This activates the immune system and causes pathology, This results in a higher viral load without antibodies to neutralize, Weve seen it happen with coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-1 and MRSA, The spike region is where antibodies bind and is also the region the virus uses to get into the cell, Currently seeing two major strain mutations in the spike regions one mutation more prominent in Asia, one mutation more predominant in Europe and North America, Brings to light an interesting genetic link to mutations, Theres a theory that the mutation is causing peoples immune system to become more active and lead to severe COVID-19, Monoclonal antibodies: identify specific antibody that binds to spike protein and manufacture them, Problem is this will offer short lived protection since you are not making your own antibodies as you would with a vaccine, Continuous exploration into repurposing drugs and combination drug treatments, Anecdotally, the majority of people on ventilators die partly because ventilators cause more damage to the lungs and can induce more damage, But its hard to say which came first did the ventilator do the damage or was the damage so severe that the patient needed a ventilator, People with Type O blood seem to be less susceptible to contracting COVID-19, People with Type O blood create Type A antibodies which bind to spike region and neutralize antibody so it cant enter the cell, We saw this in SARS-CoV-1 so maybe same for SARS-CoV-2, Another (unproven) theory: Type O blood people have lower levels of blood factor involved in clotting, Hearing more stories that some prisoners are trying to contract SARS-CoV-2 to get out of jail by spitting in a cup and passing to others, First off, its important to distinguish between asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic, Some people do not have symptoms at the time of testing but develop symptoms later so are actually pre-symptomatic, Its possible that viruses have already gone around that environment so antibodies from those viruses are helping in immunity from SARS-CoV-2, Rhonda was also searching to literature to see whether inmates are vaccinated prior to entering but couldnt find that information, Poor sleep has a huge impact on glucose and spikes and also plays a role in maintaining optimal immune functions, Rhonda takes melatonin to help her sleep, 10 mg/day, Regulating circadian rhythm is crucial for sleep, Rhonda makes sure to have bright light exposure in the morning (e.g., opening curtains, walking outside), and changes the lighting in the house in the evening to red lights, 70% of US population has insufficient Vitamin D levels; 28% are deficient, Body can generate naturally when exposed to sun daily, Obese people in US are also more likely to be vitamin D deficient, Genetic polymorphisms: people that have variations in genes that cause them to have less vitamin D, These people are more likely to die from respiratory infection, African Americans in the US are 28x more deficient in vitamin D than Caucasians, A recent study that looked at COVID-19 patients observed an inverse relationship between vitamin D levels and COVID-19 symptoms: the lower the vitamin D levels, the higher the severity of COVID-19, In Indonesia almost all patients that died from COVID-19 were vitamin D deficient, Melanin blocks ability to produce Vitamin D, In the US and Europe, African Americans and black people are more likely to die from COVID-19, Even when adjusting for SES and lifestyle factors, this was still true so something else must be happening, Tolerable upper intake is 4000 IUs per day but its best to get vitamin D blood test to measure levels, There are clinical studies exploring the role of vitamin D but not many in the US, Rhonda wants to see nurses and first responders take vitamin D to see the role in prevention but those studies are not being done, Joe uses the sauna 7 days/week, 180-degrees for 25 min, Rhonda uses the sauna 5 days/week, 180-degrees for 25 min, Heart rate variability improves, blood pressure goes down, cardiovascular health improves, all-cause mortality decreases, Sauna use also improves immune system and makes you more resilient against infection, Brain-derived neurotropic factors (BDNF) increases with exercise and heat stress (sauna), The positive benefits of physical activity on the cardiovascular system were enhanced when sauna was added, Sauna use increases heat shock proteins which prevent muscle atrophy, neurodegenerative genes, and have anti-depressant effects, People who sat in 160-degree sauna for 30 minutes had a 60% increase in heat shock protein compared to baseline, Large Harvard study being done to assess whether hot yoga increases heat shock protein, Heat shock protein have antiviral activity against influenza A, Regular sauna is heating ambient air which in turn raises core body temperature, Infrared saunas are directly heating body without heating the ambient air for example, in a heating tent or blanket, We know more about the effects of dry sauna, For people who dont have access to sauna, a hot bath is a good modality for heat shock protein, Studies being done to assess whether sauna can have anti-depressant effect on depressed patients, Saunas could also provide an avenue for giving sedentary and disabled people the benefits of physical activity without exercising, Ice baths and cold showers can be comparable to cryotherapy but you have to stay in the cold water longer, Cold shock protein hasnt really been measured in humans, instead whats measured is norepinephrine which has been shown to increase, Cold shock protein and hot shock protein have been shown to improve mood as well, The pharmacokinetics of vitamin C are very different in oral vs IV consumption, Oral vitamin C is good for immune function, etc. Who are you. For this reason, she made a special appearance in 2020 on the Joe Regan podcast to discuss the link between the severity of COVID-19 and low levels of vitamin D. She quoted a meta-analysis appearing in the British Medical Journal regarding 25 different randomized controlled trials. I got some other flavors to the the problem with that is you'll fixate on the one person that says the negative. So we're laying in bed watching a show. I don't know what their official name was, but they released some statistics from England and Wales and the I don't know what the correct name to say. It's associated with high blood pressure, heart attacks, the risk of all sorts of ailments. So I get back into the sauna and and like, getting back into this like two hundred and ten or twenty degrees on it. Like, I'm not I don't it doesn't happen much anymore because, like, I try like not to read. But I do think that there's there's promise, particularly for some treatments. Absolutely. We're also brought to you by Buffalo Trace Whiskey, Buffalo Trace Whiskey is the oldest company I've ever even heard of. So I can I could actually get work done. I'm just taking 5000 right now because that's like I could buy the five. The other three that were asymptomatic had as they were, they were spreading sorry, shedding as much virus that could make them, you know, basically contagious and, you know, basically able to transmit the strains. You make what's called neutralizing antibodies that, you know, basically eventually bind to the virus and neutralize it, prevent it from entering the cell. Thanks so much for having me back on Park. And I said the only thing that I did, like I could think of is like my obsessive xylitol gum chewing, which I still do. I have really tiny ear canals and I just like I can't some people can sleep with earplugs, like I just can't. We really have to make sure that we have water purification. You do this his own home, Sana, you know. And it's like, yes, it's very addictive. But her cough and it was very transient and only happened like while the I.V. So this is also a problem with vaccines. It's wasted if you take more than that. You can pick up Dr. Rhonda Patricks Vitamin D3 supplement on Amazon. So a subjective measurement would be a clinical clinical person, like measuring a whole battery of things they do. Healthy Fats, RELATED: Joe Rogans Diet & Workout Routine. Ascorbic acid is the oxidized form and hydrogen peroxide is generated, which is really interesting because it's one of the mechanisms by which at least it's thought that intravenous vitamin C kills cancer cells. But like, I want to get her to do that because like any you know, any cardiovascular improvement is going to help her, is going to help her her, you know, all cause mortality that's been shown, you know, four to seven times a week, 40, 40 percent lower, all cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, 50 percent lower. So, you know, while I've had some training in immunology, I definitely, you know, didn't know, don't know everything there is to know. That's when I love it. So don't forget, use the promo code. You do actually you do regular sweat doesn't have to be from Sonic and from exercise. So with that that lady right there in that image, she's holding onto those handles. So it's micrograms per liter in their blood. I would love to have something to measure it without having to take my watch in there, because I don't like sitting like it's like, you know, well, the strap measures are really well and it'll give you like you could actually mark it down as an activity. Maybe it was running, running and cycling. But when you say an antidepressant, there's no real way to measure that. You could say that, but to downplay that as the only role of vitamin D I encourage you to check out Dr. Stasha Gominak. Given intravenous vitamin C, it's generating peroxide, but there's no oxidative damage happening in people's like lymphocytes and stuff. And people were getting sick. I mean, there's so many people down in San Diego that you could find, right? So, like, I think that's really important from bright light exposure is just there's just study after study showing it sets your circadian clock boom. She has dedicated her research career to finding proactive and preventive solutions to aging and longevity. Thanks buddy. Well, people get sexual, too, because it's hot and sweaty. She's amazing. It is. The way drugs are designed is they like they target a certain molecule and they boom. Steam. OK, what am I trying to measure here? And they're having a Trager day. Or find out how you can speak to an attorney for advice on the right estate plan. And went to Russia to have some sort of crazy medical detox. Tell me what it is, because my father in law has apnea and there's a doctor, Dr. Croppy, and he's a very wacky guy.